Edgmont Township

Current Assessment:
Assessment History:
Stormwater and Flooding
The municipality requires, incentivizes, or promotes green infrastructure techniques or "enhanced stormwater management" to mitigate runoff from onsite stormwater, such as pervious pavement, bioswales, and/or green roofs. Select all that apply.
The municipality requires, incentivizes, or promotes green infrastructure techniques or "enhanced stormwater management" to mitigate runoff from onsite stormwater, such as pervious pavement, bioswales, and/or green roofs. Select all that apply.
B. The municipality promotes green infrastructure through incentives, design guidelines, and/or support for educational programs/workshops.
B. The municipality promotes green infrastructure through incentives, design guidelines, and/or support for educational programs/workshops.
Construction in flood zones is strictly controlled and limited. Select all that apply.
Construction in flood zones is strictly controlled and limited. Select all that apply.
B. No new building is permitted in an area deemed an "AE Flood Zone" and any redevelopment must be built to meet or exceed the Flood Resistant Provisions of the 2015 (or newer) International Codes. (documentation required)
B. No new building is permitted in an area deemed an "AE Flood Zone" and any redevelopment must be built to meet or exceed the Flood Resistant Provisions of the 2015 (or newer) International Codes. (documentation required)
The municipality is working collaboratively with neighboring municipalities and community groups. Select all that apply.
The municipality is working collaboratively with neighboring municipalities and community groups. Select all that apply.
A. The community collaborates with other municipalities and authorities in their watershed to manage source water, treatment and distribution, sewage, and stormwater. - B. The municipality collaborates with (or has recruited/fostered) a watershed group or organization to protect and improve the wetlands and waterways located in the community's watersheds.
A. The community collaborates with other municipalities and authorities in their watershed to manage source water, treatment and distribution, sewage, and stormwater. - B. The municipality collaborates with (or has recruited/fostered) a watershed group or organization to protect and improve the wetlands and waterways located in the community's watersheds.
Public Engagement
The municipality communicates regularly with the public about public meetings, municipal news, and other important information. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality communicates regularly with the public about public meetings, municipal news, and other important information. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The municipality has up-to-date council meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes posted online. - B. The municipality broadcasts public meetings on an online platform (Zoom, Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and has links to recorded public meetings on their municipal website. - C. Municipality communicates with the public via a regularly scheduled newsletter or regularly updated and dated web-based news postings. - D. Municipality regularly communicates via Facebook and/or Twitter or a specifically designed civic engagement app like Civic Plus or Nextdoor.
A. The municipality has up-to-date council meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes posted online. - B. The municipality broadcasts public meetings on an online platform (Zoom, Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and has links to recorded public meetings on their municipal website. - C. Municipality communicates with the public via a regularly scheduled newsletter or regularly updated and dated web-based news postings. - D. Municipality regularly communicates via Facebook and/or Twitter or a specifically designed civic engagement app like Civic Plus or Nextdoor.
Municipality works with schools and/or local nonprofits/community organizations to engage students about community issues such as waste reduction and recycling, public safety, wellness, conservation, nature, etc.
Municipality works with schools and/or local nonprofits/community organizations to engage students about community issues such as waste reduction and recycling, public safety, wellness, conservation, nature, etc.
A. Yes
A. Yes
Municipal-sponsored events (Community Day, Light Up the Night, parades, etc.) have a sustainability-awareness component, i.e. have activities, displays, or a booth helping to explain measures attendees can take to improve their sustainability or to illustrate what the municipality is doing to improve community sustainability.
Municipal-sponsored events (Community Day, Light Up the Night, parades, etc.) have a sustainability-awareness component, i.e. have activities, displays, or a booth helping to explain measures attendees can take to improve their sustainability or to illustrate what the municipality is doing to improve community sustainability.
B. 1 or 2 events annually
B. 1 or 2 events annually
The first event is the Edgmont Firehouse National Night Out. Each year we provide residents who visit our table with pamphlets on green guide for property management, stormwater best management practices, EPA water pollution prevention control and a MS4 fact sheet. The second event was our annual streams clean up where we partner with Chester Ridley Crum Creek Watersheds Association and clean a portion of the Township that runs into the streams. We provide recycling, household hazardous waste, electronic waste, and leaf and yard waste information to our residents. Links to the pamphlets and information we provide are listed below. https://edgmont.org/index.asp?SEC=EBEC3FAD-61EF-4BD2-A083-5AF2DED66577&DE=7264193F-B8FE-4D1C-B69B-D684E6DBDC74 https://edgmont.org/recycling-waste
The first event is the Edgmont Firehouse National Night Out. Each year we provide residents who visit our table with pamphlets on green guide for property management, stormwater best management practices, EPA water pollution prevention control and a MS4 fact sheet. The second event was our annual streams clean up where we partner with Chester Ridley Crum Creek Watersheds Association and clean a portion of the Township that runs into the streams. We provide recycling, household hazardous waste, electronic waste, and leaf and yard waste information to our residents. Links to the pamphlets and information we provide are listed below. https://edgmont.org/index.asp?SEC=EBEC3FAD-61EF-4BD2-A083-5AF2DED66577&DE=7264193F-B8FE-4D1C-B69B-D684E6DBDC74 https://edgmont.org/recycling-waste
The municipality utilizes the following best practices for creating, managing, and publicizing the municipal budget. Select all that apply.
The municipality utilizes the following best practices for creating, managing, and publicizing the municipal budget. Select all that apply.
A. There is an annual revenue-expenditure trend analysis conducted including 4 previous years. (documentation required) - D. When the final budget is advertised it includes working documents to help the public to better prepare themselves to comment on and/or support the final budget. - C. Funds equivalent to a minimum of 2 months worth of expenditures or revenue are carried over year to year.
A. There is an annual revenue-expenditure trend analysis conducted including 4 previous years. (documentation required) - D. When the final budget is advertised it includes working documents to help the public to better prepare themselves to comment on and/or support the final budget. - C. Funds equivalent to a minimum of 2 months worth of expenditures or revenue are carried over year to year.
The municipality has financially assessed obligations for pensions, labor contract proposals for their duration, and other post-employment benefits.
The municipality has financially assessed obligations for pensions, labor contract proposals for their duration, and other post-employment benefits.
A. Obligations for pensions/other post-employment benefits are funded for the long-term to at least 80%. (documentation required) - B. The municipality financially assesses each labor contract proposal for the contract's duration looking specifically at how the overall costs will affect the community's budget (looking at pensions, leave, healthcare, salaries, etc.).
A. Obligations for pensions/other post-employment benefits are funded for the long-term to at least 80%. (documentation required) - B. The municipality financially assesses each labor contract proposal for the contract's duration looking specifically at how the overall costs will affect the community's budget (looking at pensions, leave, healthcare, salaries, etc.).
Regional Cooperation
Municipal planning is coordinated with the school district and the two meet together at least once per year.
Municipal planning is coordinated with the school district and the two meet together at least once per year.
A. Yes
A. Yes
The municipality utilizes written Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreements (ICA) to engage in multi-municipal endeavors. Select all that apply.
The municipality utilizes written Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreements (ICA) to engage in multi-municipal endeavors. Select all that apply.
A. The municipality has at least one written intergovernmental cooperation (ICA) agreement (updated in the last 15 years). (documentation required)
A. The municipality has at least one written intergovernmental cooperation (ICA) agreement (updated in the last 15 years). (documentation required)
The community shares services or equipment with neighboring communities or has studied what it would take to do so. For example snow removal equipment, public works employees, etc. Sharing of public safety services covered in next section. Select all that apply.
The community shares services or equipment with neighboring communities or has studied what it would take to do so. For example snow removal equipment, public works employees, etc. Sharing of public safety services covered in next section. Select all that apply.
A. The municipality shares services, personnel, or equipment with a neighboring municipality such as snow removal, a utility truck, or a public works function.
A. The municipality shares services, personnel, or equipment with a neighboring municipality such as snow removal, a utility truck, or a public works function.
Municipality is an active participant in a Council of Governments and regularly attends functions, participates in projects, and pays dues.
Municipality is an active participant in a Council of Governments and regularly attends functions, participates in projects, and pays dues.
A. Yes
A. Yes
Equitable Policies and Practices
The municipality is engaged in programs to communicate that the community is welcoming to persons who represent diversity. For example: sister city relations, diversity sensitivity training, multilingual signage, etc. (documentation required) Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality is engaged in programs to communicate that the community is welcoming to persons who represent diversity. For example: sister city relations, diversity sensitivity training, multilingual signage, etc. (documentation required) Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
C. The municipality regularly features people of color and other ethnicities on the website, newsletters, and other marketing materials accessible or sent to residents and businesses. - D. The community actively supports public events celebrating social and cultural diversity such as MLK day, Juneteenth, Pride, Cinco de Mayo, etc.
C. The municipality regularly features people of color and other ethnicities on the website, newsletters, and other marketing materials accessible or sent to residents and businesses. - D. The community actively supports public events celebrating social and cultural diversity such as MLK day, Juneteenth, Pride, Cinco de Mayo, etc.
The municipality has taken or regularly takes the following actions to ensure it is improving organizational diversity and inclusion. Some of these steps could be included as part of vision, strategy, or plan development. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality has taken or regularly takes the following actions to ensure it is improving organizational diversity and inclusion. Some of these steps could be included as part of vision, strategy, or plan development. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
B. The municipality has undertaken a compensation analysis to determine that compensation is within wage and/or salary parameters for each respective position and any variation in pay is based upon legitimate, nondiscriminatory business factors. - D. The municipality has written job descriptions for every position and clear employment policies that have been reviewed by a solicitor or qualified labor attorney.
B. The municipality has undertaken a compensation analysis to determine that compensation is within wage and/or salary parameters for each respective position and any variation in pay is based upon legitimate, nondiscriminatory business factors. - D. The municipality has written job descriptions for every position and clear employment policies that have been reviewed by a solicitor or qualified labor attorney.
Operations Materials Management
All municipal buildings have an active recycling program. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
All municipal buildings have an active recycling program. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. There is a active recycling program for all municipal operations. - D. There is regular internal communications and training supporting the program and reminding employees.
A. There is a active recycling program for all municipal operations. - D. There is regular internal communications and training supporting the program and reminding employees.
In which of the following ways does the municipality track its internal or operational waste? Select all that apply.
In which of the following ways does the municipality track its internal or operational waste? Select all that apply.
A. We collect waste data from our hauler(s).
A. We collect waste data from our hauler(s).
Community Wide Materials Management
The municipality has done an assessment or audit measuring the average annual tonnage sent to landfill or incinerator, the quality and volume of recycling, and the details of composting and hard to recycle collections.
The municipality has done an assessment or audit measuring the average annual tonnage sent to landfill or incinerator, the quality and volume of recycling, and the details of composting and hard to recycle collections.
A. Yes (documentation required)
A. Yes (documentation required)
What community-wide waste and recycling data does your municipality collect on an annual basis? Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options. (documentation required)
What community-wide waste and recycling data does your municipality collect on an annual basis? Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options. (documentation required)
B. Residential Collection - total recycling sent to Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) or equivalent - F. Commercial Collection - total recycling collected - I. Residential recycling material quantities by type (i.e. mixed fibers, plastic #1, glass, etc...) - J. Commercial recycling material quantities by type (i.e. mixed fibers, plastic #1, glass, etc...)
B. Residential Collection - total recycling sent to Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) or equivalent - F. Commercial Collection - total recycling collected - I. Residential recycling material quantities by type (i.e. mixed fibers, plastic #1, glass, etc...) - J. Commercial recycling material quantities by type (i.e. mixed fibers, plastic #1, glass, etc...)
Resiliency Planning
The municipality has done a resiliency assessment and has created a resilience plan. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality has done a resiliency assessment and has created a resilience plan. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The municipality has performed or has participated in a regional assessment of hazards and potential risks of climate change. (documentation required)
A. The municipality has performed or has participated in a regional assessment of hazards and potential risks of climate change. (documentation required)
The community has created and trained a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) or a similar group of citizens to assist in the event of a disaster. Select all that apply.
The community has created and trained a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) or a similar group of citizens to assist in the event of a disaster. Select all that apply.
A. The community has created a CERT or similar volunteer response team (beyond what the Volunteer Fire or EMS team does) to assist in the event of a disaster.
A. The community has created a CERT or similar volunteer response team (beyond what the Volunteer Fire or EMS team does) to assist in the event of a disaster.
Township residents can participate and are encouraged to participate in the Countywide program.
Township residents can participate and are encouraged to participate in the Countywide program.
The municipality has created a flood response plan as a part of their emergency response plan. Select all that apply.
The municipality has created a flood response plan as a part of their emergency response plan. Select all that apply.
A. The municipality has a flood evacuation plan. (documentation required) - B. All municipal staff and volunteers have been trained on the details of the flood evacuation/response plan.
A. The municipality has a flood evacuation plan. (documentation required) - B. All municipal staff and volunteers have been trained on the details of the flood evacuation/response plan.
The community has identified vulnerable populations in the community to prepare for emergencies and created a registry to check in on those citizens in the case of an emergency. Select all that apply.
The community has identified vulnerable populations in the community to prepare for emergencies and created a registry to check in on those citizens in the case of an emergency. Select all that apply.
A. The community has identified at risk or vulnerable populations.
A. The community has identified at risk or vulnerable populations.
The community has conducted emergency communications planning and/or has adopted a reverse 911 system. This can be part of disaster preparedness process. Select all that apply.
The community has conducted emergency communications planning and/or has adopted a reverse 911 system. This can be part of disaster preparedness process. Select all that apply.
A. Yes the community has conducted emergency communications planning.
A. Yes the community has conducted emergency communications planning.
Key government operations have planned to provide low impact backup power supply on-site to protect important security features in the case of more frequent or prolonged blackouts. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
Key government operations have planned to provide low impact backup power supply on-site to protect important security features in the case of more frequent or prolonged blackouts. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
C. The municipality uses a clean power generation method for backup that was not mentioned above.
C. The municipality uses a clean power generation method for backup that was not mentioned above.
Sustainability Program
The municipality has passed a resolution to affirm (or reaffirm) participation in the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification Program. Required for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
The municipality has passed a resolution to affirm (or reaffirm) participation in the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification Program. Required for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
A. Yes. Required for Silver, Gold, and Platinum. (documentation required)
A. Yes. Required for Silver, Gold, and Platinum. (documentation required)
There is ongoing professional development for municipal personnel and officials that includes participating in programs with (at a minimum of once per year) Pennsylvania Municipal League, Local Government Academy, PA DCED or other Pennsylvania municipal training association programs.
There is ongoing professional development for municipal personnel and officials that includes participating in programs with (at a minimum of once per year) Pennsylvania Municipal League, Local Government Academy, PA DCED or other Pennsylvania municipal training association programs.
A. Yes, professional development has occured at a minimum of once per year for all or most staff and/or elected officials.
A. Yes, professional development has occured at a minimum of once per year for all or most staff and/or elected officials.
Staff regularly attends various seminars and in-person trainings from PA DCED, PA DEP, and PSATS. Some examples from this year's trainings are HR issues for secretaries and administrative assistants, basic training for municipal secretaries, government technology seminars, right-to-know law training, basics of the sunshine act, emergency management training, cybersecurity, and records management best practices and policies.
Staff regularly attends various seminars and in-person trainings from PA DCED, PA DEP, and PSATS. Some examples from this year's trainings are HR issues for secretaries and administrative assistants, basic training for municipal secretaries, government technology seminars, right-to-know law training, basics of the sunshine act, emergency management training, cybersecurity, and records management best practices and policies.
Health and Wellness
The municipality supports local food access by assessing access, planning, and/or supporting programs or policies that increase local food access. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality supports local food access by assessing access, planning, and/or supporting programs or policies that increase local food access. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
G. The municipality supports and/or promotes meal programs for vulnerable populations.
G. The municipality supports and/or promotes meal programs for vulnerable populations.
The municipality provides information and education related to air quality issues. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality provides information and education related to air quality issues. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. the municipality posts or shares links to daily information about local air quality on the municipal website and encourages residents to reduce outdoor activities on low air quality days. (documentation required)
A. the municipality posts or shares links to daily information about local air quality on the municipal website and encourages residents to reduce outdoor activities on low air quality days. (documentation required)
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082053291549 https://edgmont.org/delco-alert
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082053291549 https://edgmont.org/delco-alert
The municipality considers and promotes health and wellness. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality considers and promotes health and wellness. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The municipality provides access to recreational opportunities and amenities to promote active and healthy lifestyles (this can include ecotourism, river/creek access for fishing, hiking and walking trails with programming, etc.). - B. The municipality runs, supports, and/or promotes, exercise and/or wellness programs for all age groups. - C. The municipally runs or supports community wellness program/s addressing issues of mental health, such as social isolation, suicide prevention, PTSD/Trauma and/or others.
A. The municipality provides access to recreational opportunities and amenities to promote active and healthy lifestyles (this can include ecotourism, river/creek access for fishing, hiking and walking trails with programming, etc.). - B. The municipality runs, supports, and/or promotes, exercise and/or wellness programs for all age groups. - C. The municipally runs or supports community wellness program/s addressing issues of mental health, such as social isolation, suicide prevention, PTSD/Trauma and/or others.
Improving community health and wellness are specifically mentioned as a goal or issue in the municipality's comprehensive plan.
Improving community health and wellness are specifically mentioned as a goal or issue in the municipality's comprehensive plan.
A. Yes
A. Yes
Water Planning and Protection
The comprehensive plan (or separate water-specific plans that are currently in use - such as a One Water plan or a flood mitigation plan) includes recommendations for: Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The comprehensive plan (or separate water-specific plans that are currently in use - such as a One Water plan or a flood mitigation plan) includes recommendations for: Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. encouraging low impact development or enhanced stormwater management techniques to manage stormwater runoff and onsite stormwater infiltration where geologically effective. - B. protecting and preserving wetlands, waterways/riparian buffers. - D. protecting homes and properties where vulnerable populations are at significant risk of flooding. - E. One or more of the above items are benchmarked and progress towards the goal is tracked and reported on.
A. encouraging low impact development or enhanced stormwater management techniques to manage stormwater runoff and onsite stormwater infiltration where geologically effective. - B. protecting and preserving wetlands, waterways/riparian buffers. - D. protecting homes and properties where vulnerable populations are at significant risk of flooding. - E. One or more of the above items are benchmarked and progress towards the goal is tracked and reported on.
The municipality has an ordinance aimed to incentivize or mandate the protection and/or restoration of riparian buffers, wetlands, and waterways.
The municipality has an ordinance aimed to incentivize or mandate the protection and/or restoration of riparian buffers, wetlands, and waterways.
A. Yes (documentation required)
A. Yes (documentation required)
The municipality is actively working to restore wetlands and riparian areas, expand or revise current minimum riparian buffer zones, and/or implement living shoreline programs to provide natural flood abatement, breeding habitat, and improved stream conditions.
The municipality is actively working to restore wetlands and riparian areas, expand or revise current minimum riparian buffer zones, and/or implement living shoreline programs to provide natural flood abatement, breeding habitat, and improved stream conditions.
A. Yes (documentation required)
A. Yes (documentation required)
The municipality has developed and implemented a Stormwater Management Plan of Best Management Practices including all 6 minimum control measures, including Public Education and Outreach, Public Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post Construction Runoff Control, and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping, to meet the MS4 requirements.
The municipality has developed and implemented a Stormwater Management Plan of Best Management Practices including all 6 minimum control measures, including Public Education and Outreach, Public Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post Construction Runoff Control, and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping, to meet the MS4 requirements.
A. Yes
A. Yes
Planning and Zoning
The municipality has up-to-date zoning and related ordinances that reflect the objectives of the comprehensive plan. Select all that apply.
The municipality has up-to-date zoning and related ordinances that reflect the objectives of the comprehensive plan. Select all that apply.
A. The municipal zoning ordinance was amended to achieve the goals of the most recent comp plan (flexibility will be granted where the comp plan was passed less than 24 months prior). - B. The municipality has an up-to-date subdivision and land development ordinance (SALDO) that reflects the objectives of the comprehensive plan. - C. The municipality has passed other ordinances or policies to support or incentivize the objectives of the comprehensive plan.
A. The municipal zoning ordinance was amended to achieve the goals of the most recent comp plan (flexibility will be granted where the comp plan was passed less than 24 months prior). - B. The municipality has an up-to-date subdivision and land development ordinance (SALDO) that reflects the objectives of the comprehensive plan. - C. The municipality has passed other ordinances or policies to support or incentivize the objectives of the comprehensive plan.
Working on this as update to the plan was September 10, 2024. https://ecode360.com/34062118#34062118
Working on this as update to the plan was September 10, 2024. https://ecode360.com/34062118#34062118
Two or more of the municipality's planning officials (planning commission members, planning department staff, code officials) have attended trainings on the following land use topics. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
Two or more of the municipality's planning officials (planning commission members, planning department staff, code officials) have attended trainings on the following land use topics. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
B. Stormwater best practices and policies (documentation required) - D. Complete streets or accessible transportation systems (documentation required)
B. Stormwater best practices and policies (documentation required) - D. Complete streets or accessible transportation systems (documentation required)
Our Public Works Crew and staff attend MS4 BMP Trainings. Our building administrator is Environmentally-Sensitive Maintenance Certified and our Assistant to the Manager is attending the Environmentally-Sensitive Maintenance Training on October 15, hosted by the Penn State Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies and the State Conservation Commission. I could not find the ESM certificate on file, so I've attached a 2023 grant that was awarded and completed with the requirement of a staff member to be ESM Certified.
Our Public Works Crew and staff attend MS4 BMP Trainings. Our building administrator is Environmentally-Sensitive Maintenance Certified and our Assistant to the Manager is attending the Environmentally-Sensitive Maintenance Training on October 15, hosted by the Penn State Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies and the State Conservation Commission. I could not find the ESM certificate on file, so I've attached a 2023 grant that was awarded and completed with the requirement of a staff member to be ESM Certified.
The municipality regularly updates and effectively uses their comprehensive land use plan as a community engagement process and a guiding document. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality regularly updates and effectively uses their comprehensive land use plan as a community engagement process and a guiding document. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
B. The comp plan includes implementable steps with specific timelines - C. The comp plan includes instructions for who is responsible for the implementable steps. - D. The comp plan includes mechanisms or guidelines for reporting progress towards those steps to the public and/or for making adjustments. - A. The comprehensive plan had a process for significant stakeholder engagement and included a plan with specific steps for reaching vulnerable and/or marginalized community members. (documentation required)
B. The comp plan includes implementable steps with specific timelines - C. The comp plan includes instructions for who is responsible for the implementable steps. - D. The comp plan includes mechanisms or guidelines for reporting progress towards those steps to the public and/or for making adjustments. - A. The comprehensive plan had a process for significant stakeholder engagement and included a plan with specific steps for reaching vulnerable and/or marginalized community members. (documentation required)
Equitable Housing
The zoning ordinance provides for or accommodates a full range of housing opportunities.
The zoning ordinance provides for or accommodates a full range of housing opportunities.
B. The municipality allows for four or five different types of housing. (documentation required)
B. The municipality allows for four or five different types of housing. (documentation required)
Human Scale Development
The municipality is focused on maintaining, improving, or redeveloping areas as opposed to opening up new land for development and this is reflected in community planning documents and ordinances. Select all that apply.
The municipality is focused on maintaining, improving, or redeveloping areas as opposed to opening up new land for development and this is reflected in community planning documents and ordinances. Select all that apply.
A. The municipal comp plan calls for limiting the expansion of land development to specific areas while protecting undeveloped land.
A. The municipal comp plan calls for limiting the expansion of land development to specific areas while protecting undeveloped land.
Zoning and/or SALDO ordinances have been updated to reduce parking requirements, establish a parking maximum, or to eliminate parking requirements altogether, where transit is available.
Zoning and/or SALDO ordinances have been updated to reduce parking requirements, establish a parking maximum, or to eliminate parking requirements altogether, where transit is available.
A. There are areas within the community with reduced parking minimums for developers. (documentation required)
A. There are areas within the community with reduced parking minimums for developers. (documentation required)
The zoning and SALDO ordinances promote walkable, mixed use development. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The zoning and SALDO ordinances promote walkable, mixed use development. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
B. The community's land use ordinances encourage compact design to ensure that the distances between amenities and services are accessible by pedestrians. - C. Storefront requirements, signage, and street design are oriented towards the pedestrian. - A. The zoning ordinance, SALDO, or district overlays have districts that permit retail, officies, commercial services, housing, and civic uses in the same district. (documentation required) - D. The land use ordinances encourage other principles of mixed use/walkable neighborhoods.
B. The community's land use ordinances encourage compact design to ensure that the distances between amenities and services are accessible by pedestrians. - C. Storefront requirements, signage, and street design are oriented towards the pedestrian. - A. The zoning ordinance, SALDO, or district overlays have districts that permit retail, officies, commercial services, housing, and civic uses in the same district. (documentation required) - D. The land use ordinances encourage other principles of mixed use/walkable neighborhoods.
The comprehensive plan encourages walkable/mixed use development. Select all that apply.
The comprehensive plan encourages walkable/mixed use development. Select all that apply.
B. The plan calls for publicly accessible areas within walkable/mixed use neighborhoods. - A. The plan calls for retail, offices, commercial services, housing, and civic uses to exist in same district.
B. The plan calls for publicly accessible areas within walkable/mixed use neighborhoods. - A. The plan calls for retail, offices, commercial services, housing, and civic uses to exist in same district.
Community Wide Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
The municipality has implemented and is actively enforcing Pennsylvania's energy-efficiency building codes. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality has implemented and is actively enforcing Pennsylvania's energy-efficiency building codes. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
B. Municipal code officials have received training on the energy-efficiency codes.
B. Municipal code officials have received training on the energy-efficiency codes.
The municipality has achieved the following Solsmart designation.
The municipality has achieved the following Solsmart designation.
A. Yes, the municipality has achieved a Solsmart Designation of Bronze. (documentation required)
A. Yes, the municipality has achieved a Solsmart Designation of Bronze. (documentation required)
The municipal comprehensive plan contains an energy conservation element that states an energy reduction goal, or makes specific suggestions for how the municipality can encourage and/or incentivize energy conservation and efficiency. Recommendations might include plans to increase walkability, increase efficacy of energy code enforcement, add/improve energy incentives to the development process, etc. Select all that apply.
The municipal comprehensive plan contains an energy conservation element that states an energy reduction goal, or makes specific suggestions for how the municipality can encourage and/or incentivize energy conservation and efficiency. Recommendations might include plans to increase walkability, increase efficacy of energy code enforcement, add/improve energy incentives to the development process, etc. Select all that apply.
A. The comprehensive plan contains an energy reduction goal or directly refers to the community's climate action plan. (documentation required)
A. The comprehensive plan contains an energy reduction goal or directly refers to the community's climate action plan. (documentation required)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15uG5XmJP8JbHtgKFOgbjYYmouUkoi4So/view?usp=sharing page 85
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15uG5XmJP8JbHtgKFOgbjYYmouUkoi4So/view?usp=sharing page 85
Economic Development
The municipality supports local businesses and main street or economic development programs. Select all that apply.
The municipality supports local businesses and main street or economic development programs. Select all that apply.
C. The municipality supports an initiative to encourage residents to buy local. - D. The municipality maintains an inventory of local retail and B2B businesses on its website.
C. The municipality supports an initiative to encourage residents to buy local. - D. The municipality maintains an inventory of local retail and B2B businesses on its website.
The municipality has policies to incentivize or encourage small-scale developers and developments. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality has policies to incentivize or encourage small-scale developers and developments. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The municipality has reviewed zoning code and related ordinances to assess barriers to small scale developers.
A. The municipality has reviewed zoning code and related ordinances to assess barriers to small scale developers.
The municipality maintains or supports program/s to recognize local businesses or leaders who encourage or improve sustainability. Select all that apply.
The municipality maintains or supports program/s to recognize local businesses or leaders who encourage or improve sustainability. Select all that apply.
A. The municipality recognizes local business or community leaders who foster sustainability in the community or region, either with awards or with posts in local newsletters or on social media.
A. The municipality recognizes local business or community leaders who foster sustainability in the community or region, either with awards or with posts in local newsletters or on social media.
The municipal website provides businesses with a list of programs, tools, and resources they can use to improve community sustainability. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipal website provides businesses with a list of programs, tools, and resources they can use to improve community sustainability. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The community has a sustainable business landing page that connects businesses to resources to improve sustainability. - C. The landing page provides information about the community's latest planning efforts and related goals (comp plan, ecodistricts, etc). - D. The landing page provides links to relevant zoning, permitting and related programs that might be needed by business leaders.
A. The community has a sustainable business landing page that connects businesses to resources to improve sustainability. - C. The landing page provides information about the community's latest planning efforts and related goals (comp plan, ecodistricts, etc). - D. The landing page provides links to relevant zoning, permitting and related programs that might be needed by business leaders.
Community Revitalization
The municipality has elected to administer and enforce Pennsylvania's Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). Select all that apply.
The municipality has elected to administer and enforce Pennsylvania's Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). Select all that apply.
A. The municipality administers the UCC.
A. The municipality administers the UCC.
Organization Details
On our Sustainable PA website, we will create a profile recognizing your community when you earn certification. Please provide a quote from an elected official or staff member on the value of sustainability in your community. Please see the More Info button for where it will be used. Please provide the name and title/position of the person who the quote should be attributed to in the first text box below, and provide the quote in the user comments box below that.
On our Sustainable PA website, we will create a profile recognizing your community when you earn certification. Please provide a quote from an elected official or staff member on the value of sustainability in your community. Please see the More Info button for where it will be used. Please provide the name and title/position of the person who the quote should be attributed to in the first text box below, and provide the quote in the user comments box below that.
Jesse Redding - Assistant to the Township Manager
Jesse Redding - Assistant to the Township Manager
Edgmont Township is committed to maintaining the necessary resources for future generations by encouraging and promoting responsible economic growth through best management practices to reduce pollution, conserve natural habitats, improve soil, water, and air quality, and preserve the natural environment.
Edgmont Township is committed to maintaining the necessary resources for future generations by encouraging and promoting responsible economic growth through best management practices to reduce pollution, conserve natural habitats, improve soil, water, and air quality, and preserve the natural environment.
On your municipality's profile page on the Sustainable PA website, we ask that each community share one action or project related to sustainability which the community would like to highlight. Please provide a description of what you would like to highlight in the comments section below. Please click on the "More Info" button to see how it will look on a community profile.
On your municipality's profile page on the Sustainable PA website, we ask that each community share one action or project related to sustainability which the community would like to highlight. Please provide a description of what you would like to highlight in the comments section below. Please click on the "More Info" button to see how it will look on a community profile.
Watershed Restoration and Protection Program
Watershed Restoration and Protection Program
Edgmont has developed a Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) to plan for year-by-year reduction of sediment and to maintain authorization to discharge from a small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to regulated waters of the Commonwealth. In 2022, Edgmont Township was awarded a DCED Watershed Restoration and Protection Grant to perform upgrades and enhancements to one of its existing raingardens and construct a new bioswale in the Edgmont Township Community Park. This project has aided Edgmont in meeting its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) requirements, and better manage stormwater coming from the major roadways adjacent to the park by reducing pollutants in its watersheds. The facilities installed through this project contained a bioswale and upgrades to the existing raingarden. The bioswale has a Sediment Removal Effective Value of 80% (Annual Sediment Load reduction of 3,546 lbs. per year per our Pollutant Reduction Plan), and the bioretention raingarden has a Sediment Removal Effective Value of 55% to 90%. Both best management practices are adjacent to the Ridley Creek Watershed, and have helped reduce sediment pollutants from entering the stream.
Edgmont has developed a Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) to plan for year-by-year reduction of sediment and to maintain authorization to discharge from a small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to regulated waters of the Commonwealth. In 2022, Edgmont Township was awarded a DCED Watershed Restoration and Protection Grant to perform upgrades and enhancements to one of its existing raingardens and construct a new bioswale in the Edgmont Township Community Park. This project has aided Edgmont in meeting its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) requirements, and better manage stormwater coming from the major roadways adjacent to the park by reducing pollutants in its watersheds. The facilities installed through this project contained a bioswale and upgrades to the existing raingarden. The bioswale has a Sediment Removal Effective Value of 80% (Annual Sediment Load reduction of 3,546 lbs. per year per our Pollutant Reduction Plan), and the bioretention raingarden has a Sediment Removal Effective Value of 55% to 90%. Both best management practices are adjacent to the Ridley Creek Watershed, and have helped reduce sediment pollutants from entering the stream.
Land Conservation Management
The municipal comprehensive plan includes recommendations: Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options. (documentation required)
The municipal comprehensive plan includes recommendations: Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options. (documentation required)
A. for protecting woodlands and increasing tree cover in the municipality. - B. for preserving environmentally sensitive and/or ecologically significant areas. - C. for protecting productive agricultural areas. - D. for promoting community gardens and infill green space. - E. for expanding and/or improving parks, recreational spaces, and open space. - F. connecting parks and open with greenways and trails. - G. to expand park access so a majority of residents are within a walkable distance to a park. (must be under 1 mile - suggest 1/2 mile and have a goal of at least 90% of population) - H. to conserve and enhance areas where important wildlife and fish habitats exist and promote connectivity to allow species to migrate to suitable habitat (e.g., using land exchanges, conservation easements, leases; by removing barriers, etc.).
A. for protecting woodlands and increasing tree cover in the municipality. - B. for preserving environmentally sensitive and/or ecologically significant areas. - C. for protecting productive agricultural areas. - D. for promoting community gardens and infill green space. - E. for expanding and/or improving parks, recreational spaces, and open space. - F. connecting parks and open with greenways and trails. - G. to expand park access so a majority of residents are within a walkable distance to a park. (must be under 1 mile - suggest 1/2 mile and have a goal of at least 90% of population) - H. to conserve and enhance areas where important wildlife and fish habitats exist and promote connectivity to allow species to migrate to suitable habitat (e.g., using land exchanges, conservation easements, leases; by removing barriers, etc.).
Municipal land use ordinances protect or expand valuable green space and ecologically important assets including: Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
Municipal land use ordinances protect or expand valuable green space and ecologically important assets including: Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. improving parks/recreation, publicly accessible open space with greenways designated to connect parks and trails (documentation required) - B. zones or districts where ecologically valuable green space and productive agricultural areas are maintained and/or expanded (documentation required) - D. tree/woodland replacement criteria
A. improving parks/recreation, publicly accessible open space with greenways designated to connect parks and trails (documentation required) - B. zones or districts where ecologically valuable green space and productive agricultural areas are maintained and/or expanded (documentation required) - D. tree/woodland replacement criteria
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15uG5XmJP8JbHtgKFOgbjYYmouUkoi4So/view?usp=sharing https://ecode360.com/34059021?searchId=8532269785373000&highlight=agricultural https://ecode360.com/34063261highlight=replace,replaced,replacement,replacement%20tree,replacement%20trees,tree,tree%20replacement,trees&searchId=8532168486478112#34063261
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15uG5XmJP8JbHtgKFOgbjYYmouUkoi4So/view?usp=sharing https://ecode360.com/34059021?searchId=8532269785373000&highlight=agricultural https://ecode360.com/34063261highlight=replace,replaced,replacement,replacement%20tree,replacement%20trees,tree,tree%20replacement,trees&searchId=8532168486478112#34063261
The municipality has written policies and/or incentives to conserve environmentally and ecologically sensitive places, including: (documentation required) Select all that apply.
The municipality has written policies and/or incentives to conserve environmentally and ecologically sensitive places, including: (documentation required) Select all that apply.
A. Slopes over 25% and/or slide prone soils and geology - B. Natural springs and vernal pools - C. Mature woodlands
A. Slopes over 25% and/or slide prone soils and geology - B. Natural springs and vernal pools - C. Mature woodlands
https://ecode360.com/34065974#34065979 https://ecode360.com/42783651?highlight=vernal&searchId=8532381607668791#42783610 https://ecode360.com/34131192?searchId=8532411463501143&highlight=woodland,woodlands
https://ecode360.com/34065974#34065979 https://ecode360.com/42783651?highlight=vernal&searchId=8532381607668791#42783610 https://ecode360.com/34131192?searchId=8532411463501143&highlight=woodland,woodlands
A Transfer Development Rights (TDR) program is in place to incentivize development where infrastructure currently exists and to protect important green space.
A Transfer Development Rights (TDR) program is in place to incentivize development where infrastructure currently exists and to protect important green space.
A. Yes (documentation required)
A. Yes (documentation required)
Parks and Habitat Programs
Sustainable landscape maintenance practices are used for all parks and municipal grounds. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
Sustainable landscape maintenance practices are used for all parks and municipal grounds. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The municipality has a defined organic landscaping plan in place and is implementing the plan to develop and maintain municipally owned green spaces. (documentation required) - B. The municipality has deployed alternatives to grass lawns on publicly owned green space, including replacing lawns with meadows, native plants, and trees. (documentation required) - F. The municipality limits water use by planting appropriate native species and timing waterings to conserve water.
A. The municipality has a defined organic landscaping plan in place and is implementing the plan to develop and maintain municipally owned green spaces. (documentation required) - B. The municipality has deployed alternatives to grass lawns on publicly owned green space, including replacing lawns with meadows, native plants, and trees. (documentation required) - F. The municipality limits water use by planting appropriate native species and timing waterings to conserve water.
The municipality has been actively building out green space and parks to ensure access to all citizens. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality has been actively building out green space and parks to ensure access to all citizens. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
C. Parks that have been built or redesigned in the last 10 years included a robust public input process. - D. All municipal parks have been reviewed and redesigned to ensure access to those of all abilities.
C. Parks that have been built or redesigned in the last 10 years included a robust public input process. - D. All municipal parks have been reviewed and redesigned to ensure access to those of all abilities.
Transportation Planning
The comprehensive plan includes transportation-related recommendations and/or goals related to climate change, equitable access, and improving community health outcomes. Those transportation-related recommendations or goals include: (documentation required) Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The comprehensive plan includes transportation-related recommendations and/or goals related to climate change, equitable access, and improving community health outcomes. Those transportation-related recommendations or goals include: (documentation required) Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. Lowering carbon emissions - B. Improving overall safety outcomes (vision zero) - C. Improving community health outcomes through active transportation - D. increasing equitable access to all modes of transportation - F. Increasing bicycle, transit, and pedestrian commuting - G. The above recommendations/goals include specific and measurable goals (e.g., a VMT reduction goal).
A. Lowering carbon emissions - B. Improving overall safety outcomes (vision zero) - C. Improving community health outcomes through active transportation - D. increasing equitable access to all modes of transportation - F. Increasing bicycle, transit, and pedestrian commuting - G. The above recommendations/goals include specific and measurable goals (e.g., a VMT reduction goal).
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15uG5XmJP8JbHtgKFOgbjYYmouUkoi4So/view?usp=sharing 78, 98, 101-124, 64,
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15uG5XmJP8JbHtgKFOgbjYYmouUkoi4So/view?usp=sharing 78, 98, 101-124, 64,
Community Leaders are actively involved with regional planning discussions/processes around improved transit and active transportation options. Select all that apply.
Community Leaders are actively involved with regional planning discussions/processes around improved transit and active transportation options. Select all that apply.
A. Municipal leaders actively attend and support regional transportation planning initiatives or collaborations, including for example with a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), County, Council of Government (COG) or other regional organization. - B. The regional organization that the municipality is involved with, has created a transit or active transportation plan.
A. Municipal leaders actively attend and support regional transportation planning initiatives or collaborations, including for example with a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), County, Council of Government (COG) or other regional organization. - B. The regional organization that the municipality is involved with, has created a transit or active transportation plan.
Mobility Options
The municipality has created and is implementing plans and policies to improve bicycle infrastructure and increase bicycle usage. Select all that apply.
The municipality has created and is implementing plans and policies to improve bicycle infrastructure and increase bicycle usage. Select all that apply.
D. Regional public transit permits bicycles on its vehicles and/or has bike storage at key locations.
D. Regional public transit permits bicycles on its vehicles and/or has bike storage at key locations.
The municipality is developing and maintaining residential multimodal infrastructure. Select all that apply.
The municipality is developing and maintaining residential multimodal infrastructure. Select all that apply.
A. The municipality is developing and maintaining bicycling and walking trails that extend and connect the community's sidewalks, key community assets/amenities, and park systems.
A. The municipality is developing and maintaining bicycling and walking trails that extend and connect the community's sidewalks, key community assets/amenities, and park systems.
Energy Use, Conservation and Green Building
Municipal Energy Use
Municipality has retrofitted or replaced at least 90% of street lights, outdoor lighting, and traffic signals with LED bulbs. Select all that apply.
Municipality has retrofitted or replaced at least 90% of street lights, outdoor lighting, and traffic signals with LED bulbs. Select all that apply.
A. Yes, the municipality has started the process but does not yet have 90% of their lights converted.
A. Yes, the municipality has started the process but does not yet have 90% of their lights converted.
Governance and Community Engagement
Public Safety
The municipality has assessed the state of the opioid epidemic or drug related incidences in their community, created a response plan, and has policies in place to mitigate the problem. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality has assessed the state of the opioid epidemic or drug related incidences in their community, created a response plan, and has policies in place to mitigate the problem. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. The community has assessed the state of the opioid epidemic in their community or has done so in partnership with a larger regional entity (COG, County, Health Dept., etc.). (1)
A. The community has assessed the state of the opioid epidemic in their community or has done so in partnership with a larger regional entity (COG, County, Health Dept., etc.). (1)
The municipality collaborates with neighboring municipalities in the provision of public safety services. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
The municipality collaborates with neighboring municipalities in the provision of public safety services. Select all that apply. Please note: This question limits maximum points making it possible to earn 100% credit without choosing all answer options.
A. Municipality maintains updated public safety mutual aid agreements with neighboring municipalities and shares resources. - B. Municipality participates in a regional service program or contracts services to or through other municipalities for firefighting services. - C. Municipality participates in a regional service program or contracts services to or through other municipalities for police. - D. Municipality participates in a regional service program or contracts services to or through other municipalities for EMS.
A. Municipality maintains updated public safety mutual aid agreements with neighboring municipalities and shares resources. - B. Municipality participates in a regional service program or contracts services to or through other municipalities for firefighting services. - C. Municipality participates in a regional service program or contracts services to or through other municipalities for police. - D. Municipality participates in a regional service program or contracts services to or through other municipalities for EMS.