Strategic Engagement and Resilience
Effectively fostering community resilience and long term sustainability depends on robust resident, business, and stakeholder participation and buy-in. A community that works together for a healthier, more equitable, and prosperous future will be better prepared for dealing with disaster. This section includes resources for creating a community sustainability team and program, assessing the community's potential shocks and stressors, and creating a resiliency plan.

Energy production and consumption is the primary contributer to greenhouse gases and climate change. This section includes resources for how a municipality can reduce and decarbonize it's energy consumption, and empower the community to do the same.

Land Use and Housing
Municipalities have significant influence over land use and what type of housing is built. In this section you will find resources to manage land use to improve sustainability and health outcomes, and to create more equitable housing.

Pennsylvania has bountiful water resources, including hundreds of waterways and wetlands and they provide life, recreation, and many other benefits. In this section you will learn what can be done to protect and conserve these important resources.

Waste and Materials Management
Waste Collections and Materials Management is an important service that local governments provide for their constituents and/or businesses. In this section you will learn what you can do to increase diversion rates and move towards a zero waste goal.

Municipal Operations
How a municipal government manages day to day operations allows leadership to signal to the community what they value. In this section you will find resources for improving social equity, effective budgeting, intermunicipal collaboration, and more.

Well designed and managed transportation resources can lower carbon pollution, and improve accessibility, health outcomes and the economy. This section has information about planning and implementing a more effective and sustainable transportation system.